To the best of our ability, we ensure that the information published on is at the time, valid and correct but even as that, we cannot totally guarantee its completeness.
Which is why even though we have done our best on this information, we can not warranty neither their accuracy nor their correctness as at the time you are consuming it.
You and not Nigerian Orator will be responsible for the result of the action(s) you take based on the content you consume on this platform. We will not be liable for any loss and damages.
Also, as an effort to have a great content, we sometimes link to an external website and since we have no control how these other platforms are run, we won’t be responsible for the outcome of using them.
It is our recommendation that you go through their own policies and terms & condition before you take action based on what you read or watch on their webpages.
Yes, we go through our old write up from time to time to make sure things could stay as accurate as possible but we can’t go through all of them at a moment.
So, you can also help us out here. If you find any piece of information wrong or not reliable, feel free to reach out to us so that we can review them and make changes if needed. You can also reach out to us if there is anything inside this disclaimer that seems confusing to you.
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This page was last updated on the 30th, March 2021.
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